Mila kula anganggit sêrat punika, supados kawontênanipun têtuwuhan tuwin oyod-oyodan ingkang kathah paedahipun, sagêda kasumêrêpan ing akathah, dene ingkang kula wastani têtuwuhan wau kathah ingkang kaanggêp rêrungkudan kemawon, inggih lêrês ngantos sapriki jampi Jawi sampun kangge, ananging kadospundi kanggenipun sarta rekanipun angangge jampi wau, makatên ugi namanipun tanêman ingkang kangge jampi asring kadamêl wados, mila pangupadosipun katêrangan bab jampi-jampi Jawi asring botên sagêd kadugèn, sarta kawruh bab jampi-jampi wau asring ical sarêng ingkang gadhah kawruh wau tilar ing donya, awit kawruhipun dipun damêl wados.

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011




There are following methods of classification.

1. Alphabetic method of classification
2. Chemical method of classification.
3. Pharmacological method of classification.
4. Morphological method of classification.
5. Taxonomical method of classification.
6. Chemo-taxonomical method of classification.

1. Alphabetic Method of Classification

In this method drugs are classified according to first alphabet of their English or Latin name. This method is adopted in many books like I. P. (Indian Pharmacopoeia) N.P. (National formulary) U.S (United states Pharmacopoeia), B.P. In I.P.1955 drugs where given according to Latin name. In I. P. 1966 names changed in to English.
Amylum changed in to starch
Acacia changed in to Indian gum.

If we know the name of drug, we can study it properly.

2. Chemical Method of Classification

Drugs are classified according to their active chemical constituent. Drugs which contain similar chemical are grouped in one place.

Chemical Content Drugs
1. Volatile oil Fennel oil, coriander.
2. Alkaloid Rauwolfia, Datura Nuxvomica, Cinchona, and Vinca.
3. Glycoside Senna leaf, Digitalis.
4. Fixed oil& fat Arachis oil, sesame oil, castor oil.
5. Carbohydrates Acacia, Honey, starch, Isapgol.
6. Vitamins Shark liver oil, cod liver oil wheat, Germ oil, Amla.
7. Lipid Castor oil, peanut oil, mustard, and wool fat.

1. This method does not give any idea about source of drug.
2. Some drugs contain two important chemicals so it is difficult to classify them.
e. g. Nutmeg contains volatile oil as well as fat. Cinchona contains glycoside as well as alkaloid.
3. No idea whether drug is organized or unorganized.

If we know chemical constituent. It is easy to study the drug.

3. Pharmacological Classification

The drugs having similar pharmacological effect in body are grouped together.

Pharmacological Action Drug
1. Carminatives Fennel, Dill, Coriander, and Clove.
2. Purgatives Cascara- sagrada, Aloe, Senna, and Rhubarb.
3. Cardio tonics Digitalis, squill, and strophanthus.
4. Anthelmintic Artemisia, Male-fern, and Quassia.
5. Anti- cancer Podophyllum, Vinca.
6. CNS Stimulant Nuxvomica.
7. Expectorant Vasaka, Liquoric.
8. Bitter tonic Gentian, Cinchona, and Nux vomica.


1. Some crude drugs have two different pharmacological actions therefore it is difficult to classify them.
e.g. Nux-vomica is CNS stimulant as well as bitter tonic. Cinchona is bitter tonic as well as Antimalarial & Antipyretic.

2. Drugs that have different mechanism of action have to be grouped together.
e. g. Castor oil is irritant purgative & Isapgol is bulk purgative but they are placed in one group.

3. No idea whether drugs are organized or unorganized.

4. This method does not give any idea of source of drugs.

If we know pharmacological action it is easy to study the drug.

4. Morphological Classification

In this method drugs are divided into parts of plants like, Roots, Flowers, Leaves, Wood, Extracts, Gum, Bark.

Part of Plant Drugs
Fruit Caraway, Fennel.
Seed Nuxvomica, Nutmeg, colchicum.
Bark Arjuna, Cinchona, cinnamon.
Gum Acacia, Tragacanth, Streculia, and Guargum.
Latex Opium, Papaya.
Extract Catechu, Agar, and gelatin.
Leaf Coca, Digitalis, Senna, and Vasaka.

1. It is more convenient for practical purpose.
2. Even if the chemical content or action of drug is not known the drug can be studied properly.
3. It gives idea about source of drugs
4. It gives idea whether it is organized / unorganized.

During collection, drying & packing morphology of drug changes. They are difficult to study.

5. Taxonomical Classification

It is purely biological classification. Drugs are given according to position of plant in plant kingdom. It is difficult system.

 No idea about organized / unorganized.


Division - Angiosperm.
Class - Dicotyledonae
Order - Umbelliflorae.
Family - Umbelliferae.
Example - Fennel.

6. Chemo taxonomical

This is recent type of classification in which equal importances have been given to family of plant & it's chemical constituents. It has been found that there is closed relationship between chemical composition of the plant and its position in plant kingdom.
Ex. plants of Umbeliferae contain volatile oil, plants of Solanaceae, Apocyanaceae contain alkaloid.


  • Pharmacognosy is defined as scientific & systematic study of structural, physical,chemical & biological characters of crude drugs along with history, method of cultivation, collection & preparation for the market.
  • Crude Drugs are the drugs, which are obtained form natural sources like plant. Animals , minerals & they are used as such as they occur in nature without any processing except, drying & size reduction.

Source Example
Vegetable Source Fennel, Dill, Clove and Senna
Animal Source Honey, Bees wax, Shark liver Oil
Mineral Source Talc, Chalk, Bentonite

1) Work of Seydler
Seydler was German scientist he wrote a book " Analecta Pharmacognistica " in 1815. In this book he used word pharmacognosy first time he coined (to Prepare) this word by combining two Greek words.

1) Pharmakon: - Drug
 2) Gignosco: - To acquire knowledge of

2)  Work of Galen (131 - 200)
Galen was Greek pharmacist; he worked on extraction of chemical constituent from the plants. He developed various methods of extraction therefore the branch of pharmacy which deals with extraction of chemical constituent from plants & animals is called as galenical Pharmacy.

3) Hippocrates (460 - 360. B.C.)
Before the birth of Jesus. He was Greek scientist; he worked on human anatomy & Physiology Particularly on circulatory system & nervous system. He prepared famous oath for physicians, which is still taken by the physicians. He is known as father of medicine.

4) Indian History Of Pharmacognosy
It is about 5500 years old, in the suktas of Rigveda & Atharwaveda medicinal property of plant is given. There are several medicinal plants, which are given with there use. The old Ayurveda Books, Charak samhita & Sushrutsamtita described many medicinal plants.

5) Traditional Indian System of medicine (Indigenous)i. g. old system.

a) Ayurveda:
The old system of treatment in India. It is 5500 years old.

Ayurveda believes there are 3 principles 
  • Kappa.
    Kapha is formed from Earth and Water and is the energy that forms the body's structure--bones, muscles, tendons--and provides the "glue" that holds the cells together. Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin, and maintains immunity. In balance, kapha is expressed as love, calmness and forgiveness. Out of balance, it leads to attachment, greed and envy. Life presents us with many challenges and opportunities. Although there is much over which we have little control, we do have the power to decide about some things, like our diet and lifestyle. To maintain balance and health, it is important to pay attention to these decisions. Diet and lifestyle appropriate to one's individual constitution strengthen the body, mind and consciousness. When you experience symptoms such as nausea, lethargy, a feeling of heaviness, chills, looseness of the limbs, coughing, mucus discharges, breathing difficulties, and a tendency to sleep too much, you may be suffering from Kapha imbalance. Other symptoms can be inertia, congestion, stagnation, and circulation problems. There may be a tendency toward obesity. Boredom, laziness, and mental dullness may be present. Indications of balanced kapha influences are physical strength, a strong immune system, serenity, mental resolve, rational thinking, ability to conserve and use personal resources, endurance, and adaptability.
  • Vata.
    In the physical body, vata--composed of Space and Air--is the subtle energy associated with movement. It governs breathing, blinking, muscle and tissue movement, pulsation of the heart, and all movements in the cytoplasm and cell membranes. In balance, vata promotes creativity and flexibility. Out of balance, vata produces fear and anxiety. If you are suffering from anxiety, worry, a tendency to overexertion, insomnia, chronic tiredness, mental and emotional depression, physical tension and other symptoms of stress, a weakened immune system, headaches, underweight, constipation, skin dryness, mental confusion, emotional conflict, inability to make decisions, impulsiveness, fast and disconnected speech, fantasy, illusions, and sensations of being light-hearted and removed from thoughts, feelings, or circumstances, then there is a very good sign that your vata is aggravated. Indications of balanced vata influences are mental alertness and abundance of creative energy, good elimination of waste matters from the body, sound sleep, a strong immune system, enthusiasm, emotional balance, and orderly functioning of the body's systems.
  • Pitta.
    Pitta, made up of Fire and Water, expresses as the body's metabolic system. It governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism and body temperature. In balance, pitta promotes understanding and intelligence. Out of balance, pitta arouses anger, hatred and jealousy. When you experience symptoms such as, excessive body heat, digestive problems, a tendency to be hostile or angry and controlling, impatience, a tendency to exert excessive effort to achieve goals, vision difficulties, and being prone to make errors in judgment because of mental confusion or because passion or emotion blurs powers of intellectual discernment, there is a good possibility that you are suffering from pitta imbalance. Indications of balanced pitta influences are strong powers of digestion, vitality, goal-setting inclinations, good problem-solving skills, keen powers of intelligence, decisiveness, boldness and courage, and a bright complexion.

Which are responsible to maintain health. If their equilibrium is disturbed persons suffers from diseases.
Ayurveda cures the cause of disease. The principles of positive health and therapeutic measures embedded in this system relate to mental, physical, social and spiritual welfare of human beings. Drugs of Ayurveda are obtained mostly from plants.

Dosage of Ayurveda are 
  • Bhasma (oxides of metals)
  • Quath (extracts)
  • Gutika (pills)
  • Lep (ointment)
  • Asava & Arishtha (Alcohol containing liquids.)
  • Powder
  • Medicated oils. 

There are eight braches of Ayurveda.
  1. Kayachikitsa (Internal medicine)
  2. Kumarbhritya (pediatrics)
  3. Trachchikitsa (psychological medicine)
  4. Shalakya Tantra [(CENT) Ears, Nose & throat]
  5. Shalya Tantra (surgery)
  6. Agada tantra (toxicology)
  7. Rasayana tantra (geriatrics- medicines for the old persons)
  8. Vajikaran tantra [Aphrodisiacs, drugs which are sexual stimulants.]

b. Sidha System of Medicine. The "Siddhas" developed the Sidha system of medicine (Spiritual persons). It is old than ' Vedic culture ' it belongs to Dravidian culture. Like Ayurveda the medicines are prepared from plants. The literature of this system is given in Tamil Language. Like Ayurveda it believes that all objects in universe, are made from 5. Elements. 1) Earth. 2) Water. 3) Sky. 4) Air. & 5) Fire

Diseases are identified by examination of pulse, voice, colour, of urine, tongue, and shadow. Etc. The books are written in Tamil.

c. Naturopathy & yoga.

Naturopathy is not only a system of treatment but it also teaches the way of living. In naturopathy use of soil & water is important in treatment of diseases mudpacks & steam baths are used. Fasting is also used to treat diseases.

Yoga consists of two parts

  1. Exercises (physical postures)  Improves blood circulation in the body. 
  2. Meditation consists of  
  • breathing exercise
  • observance of austerity
  • physical postures
  • restraining of sense organ
  • contemplation
  • meditation
  • samadhi.

This system helps us to improve physical, mental & social health. It improves personal behavior of the person.


1) CarminativeThe Agent, which expels gases from G. I. tract, is known as carminative.
e. g. Fennel, Dill, Caraway

2) ExpectorantThe drug / agent which increases Fluidity of cough & helps in easy removal of cough are known as expectorant.
 e. g. Vasaka, Tolu-balsam, Benzoin.

3) PurgativeThe drug which evacuate the bowl
 e. g. Senna leaf, Castor oil,  Rhubarb.

4) LaxativeThese are the purgatives, which have mild action.
e. g. senna

5) CatharticThese are drastic purgative stools produced are watery in nature.
e.g. Castor oil, Rhubarb.

6) AnalgesicThe drugs which relieves pain by acting on Central Nervous System. They are of two types

I) Narcotic Analgesics e. g. Opium

II) Antipyretic Analgesics e. g. Aconite

7) AntipyreticThe drug, which reduces, elevated body temp.
e. g. Cinchona bark

8) DiaphoreticDrug, which reduces, elevated body temperature by increasing rate of sweating.
e. g. Tulsi, Camphor Tulsi, Camphor

9) DiureticThe drug, which increases rate of Formation & excretion of urine, is known as diuretic.
e. g. Tea, Buchu leaves

10) EmeticThe drug which produces vomiting.
e. g. Mustard, Ipecac Senega.

11) FebrifugeThe drug which reduces the body temperature.

12) HypnoticThe drug which produces sleep, like Natural sleep, is known as Hypnotic
e. g. Opium

13) Sedative
The drug, which lowers activity of any organ or central Nervous System, is known as sedative. (Tranquillizer.)

14) OxytocicThe drug which causes contraction of uterus.
e. g. Ergot

15) AnthelminticThe drug, which kills or expels, worms from G. I. T.
e. g. Santonica flower, Chenopodium oil.

16) AppetizerThe drug which increases desire for food
e. g. Cinchona, Nux-vomica.

17) AphrodisiacAn agent which stimulate sexual desire
e. g. lahsun.

18) Bitter
Bitters are drugs having bitter taste, due to bitter taste they stimulate nerves and stimulate secretion of stomach and appetite.[S1]
e.g. Cinchona, Nux vomica.

19) Counter irritant
Counter irritant is a substance, which when applied is externally produces irritation. This irritation is mild in nature, this irritation reduce the original pain sensation.
e. g. Camphor, Turpentine oil, methyl salicylate.

20) Stomachic
The drug, which increases secretion of gastric juice & function of stomach, digestion is known as stomachic
e. g. Fennel, Dill, Gentian.


The term "Crude-Drugs" generally applies to the products of plants and animal oirgin found in raw form and pharmaceutical products from mineral origin and not necessrily only the organic ones such as kaoline, bentonite, etc.
Crude drugs are further grouped as ORGANISED (CELLULAR) or UNORGANISED (NON-CELLULAR) according to whether they contain a regularly organised cellular structure or not.


Crude drugs are arranged according to thier latin or english names alphabetically:
  • Indian Pharmacopoeia.
  • British Pharmacopoeia.
  • United States Pharmacopoeia & National Formulary.
  • British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.
  • British Pharmaceutical Codex.
  • European Pharmacopoeia (Latin Titles).
  • Encyclopedia of common Natural ingredients used in Drugs and cosmetics.
e.g.: Acacia, benzoin, cinchona, dill, ergot, fennel, gentian, hyoscyamus, ipecacuanha, jalap, kurchi, liquorice, myrrh, Nux-vomica, opium, podophyllum, quassia, rauwolfia, senna, uncaria gambier, vasaka, wool fat, yellow bees wax, zedoary.


The drugs are classified according to plants or animals from which they are obtained in Phyla, Orders, Families, Genera, Species, Sub-species, etc.
 This system of classification is criticised for its failure to recognize the organized and unorganized nature of crude drugs and chemical nature of active constituents and therapeutic significance of crude drugs
Phylum - Spermatophyta
Division - Angiospermae
Class - Dicotyledons
Order - Rosales
Family - Leguminosae
Sub-family - Papilionaceae
Genus - Glycyrrhiza, Astragalus, Myroxylon
Species - Glycyrrhiza glabra, Astragalus gummifer, Myroxylon balsamum.

Phylum - Spermatophyta
Division - Angiospermae
Class - Dicotyledons
Sub-class - Sympetalae
Order - Tubiflorae
Family - Solanaceae
Genus - Atropa, Hyoscyamus, Datura
Species - Atropa belladona, Hyoscyamus niger, Datura stramonium


The crude drugs are grouped according to the parts of the plants or animal represented into organised and unorganised drugs.

  • Seeds - nux-vomica, strophanthus, isabgol, castor
  • Leaves - senna, digitalis, vasaka, eucalyptus
  • Barks - cinchona, kurchi, cinnamom, quaillia
  • Woods - quassia, sandalwood, red-sanders
  • Roots - rauwolfia, ipecacuanha, aconite, jalap
  • Rhizomes - turmeric, ginger, valerian, podophyllum
  • Flowers - clove, pyrethrum, saffron, artemisia
  • Fruits - coriander, colocynth, fennel, bael
  • Entire drugs- ephedra, ergot, cantharides, belladonna
  • Dried latices- opium, gutta-percha, papain
  • Resins & resin combinations - balsam of tolu, myrrh, asafoetida, benzoin
  • Dried juices - aloes, kino, red gum
  • Gums - acacia, tragacanth, ghatti gum, guar gum
  • Dried extracts-gelatin, catechu, agar, curare
This system of classifcation is more convenient for practical study; especially when the chemical nature of the crude drug is not clearly understood.


The crude drugs are divided into different groups according to the chemical nature of their most important constituents.

  • Glycosides - Digitalis, senna, cascara, liqourice
  • Alkaloids - Nux--vomica, ergot, cinchona, datura
  • Tannins - Myrobalan, pale catechu, ashoka
  • Volatile - Peppermint, clove, eucalyptus, garlic oils
  • Lipids - Castor oil, bees wax, lanolin, cod liver oil, kokum butter
  • Carbohydrates - Acacia, agar, guar gum, pectin, honey, & derivatives isapghula
  • Resins & resin - Colophony, jalap, Balsam of Tolu derivatives
  • Vitamins & - Yeast, Shark liver oil, Oxytocin, Hormones insulin
  • Proteins & - casein, gelatin, papain, trypsin
  • Enzymes
The chemical classification of crude drugs seem to be the preferred method of study, since therapeutic and pharamcological significance is based on the chemical composition of crude drugs.


This system of classification involoves the grouping of crude drugs according to the pharmacological action of their active constituents or their therapeutic uses, regardlesss of their morphology, taxonomical status, or chemical relationships. The drugs differing in mechanism of action but having same pharmacological effects are also grouped together, e.g. bulk purgatives, irritant purgatives, emollient purgatives etc.

Bitters - Gentian, Quassia, Cinchona
Carminatives - Dill, Mentha, Cardamom
Emetics - Ipecacuanha
Anti-amoebics - Kurchi, Ipecauanha
Bulk laxatives - Agar, Isapghula, Banana
Purgatives - Senna, Castor oil
Peptic ulcer - Derivatives of Glycyrrhitinic acid treatment ( Liqourice and Raw banana)

Expectorant - Liqourice, Ipecacuanha, Vasaka
Antiexpectorant - Stramonium leaves (Atropine)
Antitussives - Opium (Codeine, Noscapine)
Brochodilators - Ephedra, Tea (Theophylline)

Cardiotonics - Digitalis, Squill, Strophanthus
Cardiac depressants - Cinchona (quinidine), Veratrum
Vaso-constrictors - Ergot (ergotamine), Ephedra
Antihypertensives - Rauwolfia

Adrenergics - Ephedra
Cholinergics - Physostima, Pilocarpus
Anticholinergics - Belladona, Datura

Central analgesics - Opium (morphine)
CNS Stimulants - Coffee ( caffeine)
Analeptics - Nux-vomica, Lobelia, Camphor
CNS depressants - Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, opium,
Hellucinogenics - Cannabis, Poppy Latex

Smooth Muscle Relaxants - Opium, Datura, Hyoscyamus
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants - Curare

Vinca, Podophyllum, Taxus, Camptotheca

 Aconite, Colchicum, Guggul

Myrobalan, Black Catechu


The character most often studied in chemotaxonomy are secondary metabolites of pharmaceutical significance such as alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, etc. DNA hybridization, amino acid sequencing in proteins, and serotaxonomy are also gaining significance in this method of classification.

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