Mila kula anganggit sêrat punika, supados kawontênanipun têtuwuhan tuwin oyod-oyodan ingkang kathah paedahipun, sagêda kasumêrêpan ing akathah, dene ingkang kula wastani têtuwuhan wau kathah ingkang kaanggêp rêrungkudan kemawon, inggih lêrês ngantos sapriki jampi Jawi sampun kangge, ananging kadospundi kanggenipun sarta rekanipun angangge jampi wau, makatên ugi namanipun tanêman ingkang kangge jampi asring kadamêl wados, mila pangupadosipun katêrangan bab jampi-jampi Jawi asring botên sagêd kadugèn, sarta kawruh bab jampi-jampi wau asring ical sarêng ingkang gadhah kawruh wau tilar ing donya, awit kawruhipun dipun damêl wados.

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

OBAT GUBAL - Crude drug - 药材 - 藥材 - Yàocái

OBAT GUBAL - Crude drug - 药材 - 藥材 - Yàocái


Obat gubal (crude drug atau raw material) merupakan obat dari tumbuhan/hewan, terdiri dari bahan alami yang hanya mengalami proses pengumpulan dan pengeringan. Bahan alami adalah seluruh tanaman( herba) dan bagian-bagiannya termasuk cairan tumbuhan, ekstrak, dan hasil sekresi. Proses ekstraksi melibatkan “pelarut/solvent”  disebut cairan pengekstrak (menstrum). Sisa proses ekstraksi (bagian yang tidak larut) disebut ampas (marc). Hasil ekstraksi disebut ekstrak (sari).


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Definisi 'gubal'

Indonesian to English
Indonesian to Indonesian
1. kayu yg lunak antara kulit dan teras
teras terunjam, -- melayang, pb penduduk asli akan tetap tinggal di negerinya apabila orang asing pergi
source: kbbi3

2. bungkah (tanah, batu, dsb)
-- besi 
bungkah besi; besi kasar (belum dikerjakan)
source: kbbi3

3. meng·gu·bal 
v merencanakan dan menyusun: ~ undang-undang
source: kbbi3

Definition: gubal
cambium, clump, pile

Kambium adalah lapisan jaringan meristematik pada tumbuhan yang sel-selnya aktif membelah dan bertanggung jawab atas pertumbuhan sekunder tumbuhan. Kambium ditemukan pada batang dan akar. Berdasarkan jaringan tetap yang dibentuknya, dikenal dua kelompok kambium, yaitu kambium gabus (felogen, phellogen) dan kambium pembuluh (vascular cambium). Kambium hanya ditemukan pada tumbuhan dikotil dan gymnospermae.

clump (plural clumps)
  1. A cluster or lump

In biology and health sciences:
  • Cancer cluster, in biomedicine, an occurrence of a greater-than-expected number of cancer cases
  • Cluster headache, a neurological disease that involves an immense degree of pain
  • Cluster of differentiation, protocol used for the identification and investigation of cell surface molecules present on white blood cells.
  • Winter cluster, in beekeeping, a well-defined cluster of honey bees in cold temperatures
  • Cluster (epidemiology), a grouping of cases of disease
  • Genetic cluster, a group of genes (or proteins, or metabolites) whose expression or concentration is similar across a range of conditions

lump (plural lumps)
  1. Something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group.
    Stir the gravy until there are no more lumps.

  2. A group, set, or unit.
    The money arrived all at once as one big lump sum payment.
    How many lumps (of sugar) do you use in your coffee?

A crude drug (药材, 藥材, Yàocái)[1] is any naturally occurring, unrefined substance derived from organic or inorganic sources such as plant, animal, bacteria, organs or whole organisms intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals.
Crude drugs[2] are unrefined medications in their raw or natural forms. Prior to the 1950s, every pharmacy student learned about crude drugs in pharmacognosy class. Pharmacognosy is the study of the proper horticulture, harvesting and uses of the raw medications found in nature.
Raising, harvesting and selling crude drugs was how many large pharmaceutical companies started out. Companies such as Eli Lilly and Company[3] sold crude drugs to pharmacists to save them time and money, but the early pharmacy graduate would know how to raise their own crude drugs if need be.

crude drug

(pharmacology) A plant or animal drug containing all principles characteristic of the drug. The dried leaves, bark, or rhizome of a plant containing therapeutically active principles. Also known as botanical; plant extract.

A crude drug is naturally occurring drug with pharmacologically active ingredients in an unrefined state, requiring no additional processing for use. An example is ginseng root; patients can consume fresh or dried roots straight in addition to grinding them into powder for use in capsules, teas, and other preparations. The root is ready to use as it comes out of the ground, in contrast with other botanical pharmaceuticals that may require processing to extract useful compounds. Traditional medicine in many cultures relies heavily on crude drugs to treat patients.

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